Information Today Europe eNews

Wednesday, 05 January 2022

Featured Articles

Artificial Intelligence (AI) pervades our everyday lives, whether we realize it or not. AI technologies power our digital personal assistants, show us traffic flows on our roads, monitor our health and diagnose diseases, guide our product selections when we shop online, and give financial advice. Libraries also benefit from AI technologies and AI applications are increasing.

The call for speakers for the virtual Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2022 is very close to ending so now is the time to submit your speaking proposal.

Featured News

CABI launched searchRxiv (pronounced ‘search archive'), its new open access platform. The website is designed to let researchers report, store and share their searches, thus helping with the review and re-use of existing searches to make research quicker and easier.

The new report provides new insights for building a successful AI ecosystem, based on data from Clarivate databases.

VR experience demonstrates benefits of immersive learning for soft skills training in higher education.