National Libraries

Sage has launched a free-to-read hub of social and behavioral science resources to foster evidence-based discussions about democracy and the 2024 elections inside and outside the classroom. This is particularly important in a year where half the world's population will exercise their democratic right to vote.

Posted 02 July 2024

New OCLC Leaders Council to be phased in over the next year

Posted 02 April 2024

Cyberattacks on major libraries, including the British Library and the Toronto (Canada) Public Library, have had a crippling effect on their ability to provide even routine services. We look at what happened, the repercussions, the cost involved to recover and how to prevent such calamities going forward.

Posted 06 February 2024

Company embarks on projects to determine how GenAI can enhance search discovery and content creation while avoiding "hallucinations" and spurious information.

Posted 03 October 2023

Acquisition will accelerate the adoption of Patron Point Software as the go-to marketing automation platform for libraries

Posted 05 September 2023

IFLA's World Library & Information Congress will be held in Dubai, UAE, 19-23 August 2024

Posted 20 June 2023

IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, have published the latest update of the IFLA Trend Report, co-authored by the emerging leaders who attended IFLA's 2022 World Library and Information Congress.

Posted 07 February 2023

Metadata and the metadata services that describe library collections are critical in supporting content discovery, knowledge creation, and libraries' public missions. Metadata describing library collections is not typically copyrightable, and should be considered freely shareable and reusable under most circumstances. However, some industry players restrict libraries' rights to use such metadata through contractual terms and market influence. Such restrictive activity is out of alignment with libraries' needs and public, not-for-profit/educational missions.

Posted 15 September 2022

OCLC expands web visibility subscription options to improve impact and exposure for more libraries worldwide.

Posted 06 September 2022

At the National Library of Finland, re-envisioning its core roles led to interesting challenges for library management. Liisa Savolainen, Deputy Director, asked "To be or not to be? A library or an IT house or both?" when speaking in Dublin during an IFLA Satellite event sponsored by the Knowledge Management section and the Digital Humanities SIG. Spoiler alert: The answer is "both".

Posted 02 August 2022

The Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology (TIB) operates an open access platform, the TIB AV-Portal, on which scientific videos such as conference recordings, simulations, animations, lectures and visualized research data can be published and viewed free of charge.

Posted 07 June 2022

From his perspective as Librarian & Head, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Nabi Hasan reflects on how libraries in India responded to the pandemic situation and celebrates the exciting stories of innovative library services formed during these difficult times.

Posted 01 March 2022

In a year of exceptional growth of the ISSN Network, the ISSN International Centre is delighted to announce the opening of the 93rd ISSN National Centre in Lima, Peru, on August 24th, 2021, almost exactly 200 years after the founding of the National Library of Peru, which houses the Centre.

Posted 07 September 2021

Readers in 39 countries across North Africa and the Middle East will have a new affordable option for accessing the latest research, following a new partnership between leading academic publisher Taylor & Francis Group and the information services experts at Knowledge E.

Posted 01 December 2020

The global COVID-19 pandemic has upended our lives, both personal and professional. It has also introduced a new word into our vocabulary: Infodemic. Inoculating yourself, your library users, and your community against the Infodemic should be a vital skill for librarians worldwide.

Posted 04 August 2020

This year over 50 submissions from around the world were received.

Posted 19 March 2020

A shortlist of eight titles for each of the Medals has been revealed.

Posted 19 March 2020

Call for submissions released; deadline mid-January 2020.

Posted 25 November 2019

University acquires judge's annotated copy of book at centre of obscenity trial.

Posted 02 October 2019

The Census Bureau's statistics and information search engine is being retired.

Posted 22 September 2019

The new site will surface archived content and clips that have a topical appeal. 

Posted 20 September 2019

Nearly £5million awarded by the National Lottery will bring together BBC and ITV archive material.

Posted 04 September 2019

Words Weekend festival teams up with British Library to create a word map of modern Britain.

Posted 23 August 2019

Newly searchable database reveals real reading habits.

Posted 18 June 2019

International Museums Day is celebrated in May 2019. Kenn Bicknell considers the lessons libraries can learn from museums.

Posted 03 May 2019
