Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 07 December 2021

Featured Articles

Here are five sites that can help you broaden your knowledge of what's findable (mostly for free—although I'd always recommend using the pay-to-use sites for corporate intelligence also).

"If I cancelled my Netflix subscription, I might use the library some more" is a quote from a user interviewed in connection with a Danish project on the Future of Library space and dissemination of literature.

Following the success of the 2021 virtual series, Information Today Europe has set dates for three half-day events in 2022 and issued a Call for Speakers.

Featured News

ResearchGate and Rockefeller University Press (RUP) completed the first phase of their content syndication pilot partnership, in line with other agreements between publishers and ResearchGate.

In its latest list, Clarivate identifies the one in 1,000 "citation elite". Although researchers based in the USA dominate, China has nearly doubled its share of highly cited researchers in four years.

The features are designed to help conference organizers around the globe provide advanced audience engagement, combat digital fatigue, and improve the marketability of their event.