Anne Welsh

Owner, Beginning Cataloguing

After twenty-five years as an employee, Anne Welsh paid off her mortgage and set up Beginning Cataloguing just as the Covid-19 pandemic hit the UK. They offer consultancy, writing and ghost-writing services and run a range of courses on Cataloguing and related areas. Practical Cataloguing (London: Facet; Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2012) became a core text for people learning to catalogue. Practical Cataloguing in the Hybrid Environment (Facet) and Beginning Cataloguing (Routledge) are both ever so slightly overdue to their respective publishers but should come out next year. ; Twitter @beginningcat ; Instagram @beginningcataloguing

Articles by Anne Welsh

Deciding to go out on your own and start a library-related business is a huge step. Anne Welsh gives us some tips and resources based on her experience of setting up her Beginning Cataloguing business.

Posted 1 December 2020