The UK electronic information Group (UKeiG)'s annual forum will be held on Thursday July 18th, 2024.

The key theme of this year's forum will be how artificial intelligence is shaping the education landscape, and the wider issue of strategic responses to the challenges and opportunities it has presented to the library, information and knowledge community.

There will be two presentations:

Ø  AI: Opportunities and Challenges for education

Ø  A framework for libraries to develop a strategic response to Artificial Intelligence

The Zoom event starts at 2pm and finishes at 4 pm and is free for all CILIP and UKeiG members. Non-members can book for the nominal fee of £35. Book here:

Programme for the afternoon 

2 pm – Introduction

AI: Opportunities and Challenges for education - presented by Sue Attewell, Head of AI and Codesign at Jisc

As we navigate through an era where AI is a part of our daily lives, it’s crucial to plan for what’s next. This session will not only highlight the numerous opportunities that AI brings to the educational sector but also address the concerns that come with it. We aim to ensure a safe and responsible approach to AI. We’ll explore the current position and delve into the opportunities and challenges in greater detail.  

3 pm

A framework for libraries to develop a strategic response to Artificial Intelligencepresented by Andrew Cox

AI is a novel strategic challenge because as a general technology it has multiple impacts that are different in different contexts. In this presentation Andrew articulates nine questions libraries need to answer as the basis for developing a contextually relevant strategic response to AI.

4 pm - Close


Speaker profiles

At Jisc Sue co-leads on the National centre for AI in tertiary education. The centre plays a vital role in advancing AI capabilities within its member institutions through thought leadership, piloting AI products, and conducting sector-focused research. The centre also provides ethical guidance to promote responsible and inclusive AI adoption in the education sector. ‘With the potential to revolutionise education, AI offers exciting possibilities such as personalised learning experiences, intelligent tutoring systems, assisted assessment tools, and reducing academic workload. By leveraging AI technologies, education has the potential to become more accessible, efficient, and tailored to individual learner needs, fostering a transformative impact on the future of education.’

Andrew Cox is a senior lecturer at the Information School, University of Sheffield, and author of his independently researched report - ‘The Impact of AI, machine learning, automation and robotics on the information profession’ - published by CILIP in 2020. It called for a ‘joined-up and coherent response from information professionals, enabling us to maximise the benefits of AI, machine learning, automation and robotics for information users while mitigating the emerging risks.' He is convenor of the IFLA special interest group on AI and the chair elect of the ASIS&T SIG on AI.

Pricing: There is no charge for this event for CILIP and UKeiG Members. Non-members pay just £35.

Book here:

The Zoom link will be sent to all registered delegates 48 hours before the event. 


UKeiG is a Special Interest Group of CILIP: the library and information association

Registered Charity No. 313014

CILIP members can join UKeiG for free via the CILIP website
