Open Data maturity in Europe

Capgemini has published a report exploring the current state of open data across the EU28+ countries - France and Spain lead the way.

The research assessed maturity on a number of indicators including:

  • Open Data Readiness – does the country have an Open Data policy in place, what are its licensing norms, is there a five year strategy and are there common approaches and guidelines?
  • Portal Maturity – assessing the usability of the portal, functionality and reusability of the data

Key findings

  • 81% of EU28+ countries have a dedicated Open Data policy (up from 69% last year)
  • Five countries have no Open Data policy (Hungary, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta and Portugal)
  • Improved data portals, offering a choice of formats and additional data, are increasing traffic
  • In 61% of countries the Open Data policy is the same as the Public Sector Information policy.
  • 71% of countries offer regional/local portals
  • Spain and France received the highest scores and have been described as ‘very ready’ for Open Data
  • In the next level of readiness scores ‘ready’ are Austria, Bulgaria, UK, Finland, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania and Slovakia

The impact of open data can be difficult for some countries to assess, either because the open data portal may be newly launched, or because there are no tools to measure impact.  Despite this, the impact scores have increased over the last year, with social impact leading the way and being followed by economic impact.

Report can be found here.