Skype upgrade for podcasting

Skype announces improvements to call recording.

Skype is an invaluable tool for podcasters but often content creators are required to synchronise with a third-party app to capture high quality recordings.

Call recording is now available in the newest version of Skype (with an upgrade for Windows 10 expected in the near future. Any recorded clips will remain in the cloud for 30 days and can be forwarded and saved.

When it comes to mutual consent, the app encourages users to inform participants that a recording is being made.

Source: Endgadget

Internet Librarian International - podcasting for librarians

In our Magical Marketing track at Internet Librarian International, we’ll be joined by Jo Wood, the podcaster behind the highly successful ‘Librarians with Lives’ podcast. In this session She will be sharing her experiences, hints and tips and celebrating the power of the podcast to bring librarians together, irrespective of their sector, location and role.