Open access savings in the UK public sector

Evidence emerging about the benefits of OA to research articles.

The voluntary and community (VCS) and public sectors are already benefiting from cost reductions because of open access to scholarly research - and more savings are predicted.

Two reports released by the UK's Open Access Implementation Group (OAIG) explore the direct and indirect benefits of OA to public and voluntary sector organisations.  Not only are these bodies benefiting from the reduction in subscription payments but also from indirect benefits, including a reduction in the amount of time taken to find information.

The UK public sector spends £135 million a year on subscriptions and time spent finding and accessing journal content.  The report estimates that the sector is currently saving over £28 million by switching to OA publications.  Meanwhile the VCS sector is already using more OA journals that paid for content.

The original press release from OAIG also has links to the research reports.