Following a successful series of pilots during which over 300 institutions shared more than 1,800 collections on JSTOR, and a cohort of 40 partners helped to define preservation and collection loading needs, ITHAKA developed three services to support institutions of all sizes looking for high-impact, sustainable solutions. Institutions can now:
- Share collections on JSTOR, making it possible for millions of users to discover and use content alongside a rich trove of journals, books, images, and other primary source collections while bringing greater visibility to institutions.
- Preserve collections with Portico to safeguard the accessibility and usability of digital files in the long term, addressing the needs of tomorrow’s scholars.
- Manage collections using JSTOR Forum, a web-based tool that makes it easy to catalog, edit metadata, and publish to JSTOR and other sites, all in one place.
Institutions can use the full set of infrastructure services or pick and choose based on their needs. Service fees are scaled using Carnegie Classifications starting at $1,200 per year, with an option for ITHAKA to regularly harvest collections from repositories like CONTENTdm, Digital Commons, Islandora, Internet Archive, DSpace, Omeka, Preservica, LUNA, and Alma Digital for an additional $1,000.
View the full press release here .