Best Translated Book Award

The 2019 Best Translated Book Award winners have been announced in New York.

The Best Translated Book Awards (BTBAs) were founded in 2008 by Three Percent at the University of Rochester (USA).  Since 2008, the Amazon Literary Partnership has contributed over $150,000 to international authors and their translators through the BTBA.

This year’s winners are:


Slave Old Man, written by Patrick Chamoiseau, translated from the French and Creole by Linda Coverdale, and published by The New Press. It is the first BTBA win for a book from the French. It is also the first victory for an author from Martinique.


Of Death. Minimal Odes, written by Hilda Hilst, translated by Laura Cesarco Eglinand published by co-im-press.

The full list of finalists can be found here.

Follow the BTBA on Twitter.