You can follow the conference hashtag at #ILI2011. We will be reporting from the conference on and via our Twitter account @InfoTodayEu.
The ILI2011 Lanyrd page is here.
Jo Alcock @joeyanne
Katherine Allen @katallen
Kevin Anderson @kevglobal
Jennifer Phillips-Bacher @MrsAudiac
Phil Bradley @philbradley
Claire Bundy @OpenRepository
Suw Charman-Anderson @suw
Trevor Dawes @tadawes
Tom Edmonds @edm0nds
Nicola Franklin @NicolaFranklin
Dean Frey @dean_frey
Athena Hoeppner @cybrgrl
Ceri Hughes @CeriH
András Kardos blog
Brian Kelly @briankelly
Pavlinka Kovatcheva @ujlibscience
Marydee Ojala @marydeeo
Karen Marie Øvern @kmovern
Dave Pattern @daveyp
Dave Puplett @puplett
Joanna Ptolomey @chibbie
Val Skelton @valskelton
Ulla de Stricker @UlladeStricker
Andy Tattersall @andy_tattersall
Arthur Weiss @awareci