Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 07 November 2017

Featured Articles

Helen Lane and her colleagues created an Augmented Reality game to engage new starters at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.

It's increasingly important for librarians to develop a broad range of skills and to take on a variety of roles in the workplace.

Featured News

The goal of the research is to develop a bespoke tool for librarians and related professionals that would allow them to interlink Linked Data sets.

The 2017 Tony Kent Strix Award goes to Maarten de Rijke, the Professor of Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Manchester in the UK has been awarded City of Literature status.

BL's On Demand service offered to institutions in least developed countries.

ILI365 Blog

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism held focus group discussions in Finland, Spain, the UK and the US. Here's what people said about fake news - and more.

A report commissioned by four university presses (Cornell University Press, UCL Press, University of California Press and University of Michigan Press) explores the usage of OA books via the JSTOR Platform.

Press Releases

Take your library users beyond Google to trustworthy scholarly resources

Facet Publishing have announced the release of the second edition of Marketing Your Library’s Electronic Resources by Marie R. Kennedy and Cheryl LaGuardia.