Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Featured Articles

The written word is just one way in which libraries curate stories. Gary Green describes creating digital storytelling workshops and looks forward to 2016.

James Williams, of Facet Publishing, shares seven resolutions for information professionals - and previews the books to help them achieve them!

Featured News

Pilot project success means initiative will continue.

Screen is no more as content is moved elsewhere.

Upcoming event focuses on the critical role of reading lists in supporting student learning.

Copyright agreement leads to increased prices for Apple mobile products.

Senior TV figures resign from state broadcaster.

ILI365 Blog

Nesta, the UK's innovation charity, has been making technology and sociological predictions for the last five years. What key themes has it chosen for 2016?

The choices of word (or sometimes emoji) of the year reflect social, economic and technological trends and focus. This year is no exception.

Press Releases

The new Facet Publishing catalogue

The January-June 2016 Facet Publishing catalogue is out now.

Choice Awards Three Brill Publications as “Outstanding Academic Titles” in 2015

Choice Awards Three Brill Publications as “Outstanding Academic Titles” in 2015