Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Featured Articles

Media consumption is changing from 'owning' to 'having access to' - and libraries should reflect this trend.

User responses to 3D printers has been incredibly positive - but offering a 3D printing service comes with its own issues.

What role can libraries play in hosting hackfests to support student research and collaboration? Canada's York University shares the secrets of success.

Featured News

Report reveals increase in cases handled by ICO - and a data breach of its own.

E-book subscription service would compete with Scribd and Oyster.

Eight companies in Norway subjected to an unprecedented cyber attack.

Twitter user to say 'sorry'.

Blogger fined a total of €2,500 in damages and costs.

Press Releases

Preserving complex digital objects

Facet Publishing, have announced the release of Preserving Complex Digital Objects.

ProQuest Debuts Beta of New Ebook Reader on ebrary Platform

ProQuest continues to innovate the use of ebooks in research, launching a beta version of its new ebook reader.